Yet, on the heels of reaching a major career goal I was left with a weird feeling. I jotted the following down a couple of days after reaching the goal:
Kind of floating through life right now. Is that a bad thing? Probably not a good thing. I am feeling more settled so what do I mean by “floating”? Not having control? Something like that.After I reached my goal I was missing something. I realized that almost as soon as I hit success I started looking for the next challenge. I can’t help but think that this is just a cycle of hollowness. What is the point if you are never content?
The obvious solution is to just focus on being content. But this seems like an easy way out that avoids the underlying problem. I think, for me, it is almost a mental head game where I convince myself that if I am content I will not have the proper motivation and thus will be unable to succeed. In retrospect this seems illogical.