Saturday, January 23, 2010

My Plan for Getting Fit

A few months back I posted about the benefits that tracking your progress can have on reaching your goals.  Specifically, I highlighted how recording every time I worked out pushed me to keep up with my fitness goals.

With my wedding/honeymoon 6 months away I've decided to take this a step further.  I am going to combine tracking my workouts with publicly broadcasting my progress (or lack thereof).

I am going to record how much I work out on this blog.  I have created a "My Fitness Goals/Progress" section on the right hand side.  On that link I will post my fitness goals and record all my workouts.  If I start slacking I encourage any trash talk.

Photo: Sean 

My Fitness Goals/Progress

As discussed in my plan for getting fit, here is where I am publicly tracking my fitness goals.